Wednesday, December 10, 2014

That LED Lamp is Awesome for Christmas!

More of my post, the coming weeks well be all about Christmas. Who doesn’t like Christmas eh? It’s the time of the year where you receive present and lots of food. What I love about Christmas is the Filipino tradition of “Simbang Gabi”. We would wake up early dawn, around 3 o’clock so we can attend the mass. There are going to be lots of lights on the streets. And on the church, it will be full of decorations, Christmas lights and the Nativity scene; it’s one of my favorite parts in the church on Christmas season.

So as I was checking all the decorations and lightings of the church, I was so interested in this one lamp. I was thinking that it was not an ordinary lamp because it stands out with the rest of the lighting. It turns out, the lamp was custom made.  I was so eager to know how it was made since I want to have that lamp as decoration in my house this Christmas. I found this guide while searching the web. It’s a guide on how to create an ultra bright LED lamp from scratch. With a little electronics knowledge, I’ll be able to get my hands dirty on this and have some awesome lamp.

The ultra-bright while LED lamp works on 230V AC with minimal power consumption. It can be used to illuminate VU meters, SWR meters, etc. These LEDs emit a 1000-6000mCd bright white light like welding arc and work on 3 volts, 10 mA. Their maximum voltage is 3.6 volts and the current is 25 mA. Anti-static precautions should be taken when handling the LEDs.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's Christmas! Time to Decorate our House!

I’ve been out for a couple of weeks and haven’t really visited the Internet, which means no blogging for me. It’s December 1, it’s Christmas season again! I’m pretty excited because this time of the year, we get to decorate the entire house! Lots of Santas and Elves coming our way!

We will decorate the house with some old and new decors. My wife bought these lights for our Christmas trees. We will also be decorating the house with mistletoes, poinsettias and ribbon decorations. These are all my wife’s ideas.

As for me, I am preparing something for our Christmas decoration. I’ve found this guide about Christmas LED displays that shows various images, a perfect fit for a unique Christmas décor. The projects will be an 8x16 pixel array built with ATtiny861 microcontroller which can show images, like Santa images or even candles, it will be displayed in a window to provide eye catching displays to passersby.

The main component of the hardware is the ATtiny861 microcontroller which runs at 20MHz. In order for the microcontroller to dim the LEDs without any visible flickering, the speed should be fast enough. A vertical row of 16 LEDs are driven by each of the eight A6276 driver ICs from Allegro Microsystems. Since there is no internal regulator needed on the circuit board, a regulated 5V wall pack can be used to run the board.

A total of 128 LEDs is contained in the circuit which results to building up 3 boards. The mixture of blue and white LEDs are in the first board, all blue LEDs in the second board, and all white LEDs were built up in the third board. The white LED board went into a transparent enclosure while the blue LED board went into a semi-transparent blue enclosure. Near the center of the board is the huge block of DIP ICs which serve as the driver chips for LEDs.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I want to Save My Laptop Battery From Total Destruction

Laptops are considered one of the most portable devices you can carry. Laptops have evolved from a luxury device in the past and then became a common device in the present. I think many, while not all can afford a laptop these days. It became cheap because of the competition, not just cheap, but the coming of tablets made the laptops more affordable.

One disadvantage of owning a laptop is its battery lifespan. Laptops batteries are one of the many parts a laptop are having trouble, if can be frustrating at times. When you’re not careful, your battery lifespan might get shorter, every day when you are over-charging it. Laptop batteries are too expensive when replaced. So here’s a guide I found in how to salvage your laptop batteries.

It must be remembered that most laptop batteries cannot be repaired if damaged. This is because of their complex construction. And even if it were to be repaired, one would need specific and expensive instruments to do so.

The battery has two parts, the chemical and the digital circuit. Chemical part can be restored with the risk of getting your files would be corrupted. It should be checked regularly for compatibility every time you use existing chargers. Batteries must also be kept alive with enough supply of voltage during cell replacements. Disconnecting the circuit, if only for a fraction of a second, can erase vital data and render the circuit unusable. To assure continued operation when changing the cells, connect a secondary voltage through a 100 Ohm resistor before disconnecting the cells. Always keep in mind to remove the secondary supply only after the circuit is fed with the needed operating voltage from the new cells.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Good Ol’ Atari Joysticks

The Atari game console has its glorious times back in the days. The Atari game console was at the peak on the golden age of arcade video games. The Atari helped define the electronic entertainment industry from the 1970s to the mid-1980s.

Atari will always have a special place in my heart. I had a wonderful childhood because of this invention. I played long hours playing the games Missile Command. I also spent so much time playing Pole Position, being an F1 driver, at least on the video game.

Back to the present, I have this one interesting project in mind. My son always plays computer games, but not like the ones I used to play in the past. Today is the age of PC gaming, Atari have gone, not gone totally, but this era is for PC gaming. I wanted for my some to experience what I played, so I wanted to build this Atari joystick for his PC gaming.

The Atari joystick will be connected though the USB port. What I wanted to do is emulate Atari games on his PC. There are a lot of Atari emulators out there that’s free.

A cheap USB gamepad can be used in this project especially those without pressure sensitive buttons or analog joysticks but only digital inputs. This will avoid paying for unwanted parts for the adapter. The plastic casing of the Logitech Wingman Precision USB gamepad was removed and concentrated on the internals. The tracing of connections from input to the pins of the single IC was made easy because the layout of the circuit board is really sparse.

To power auto-fire circuits, most computers that have Atari joystick ports provide +5V on the pin 7 of the D-sub connector. The auto-fire function present in some joysticks can also be activated by connecting the D-sub pin 7 with the pin 10 on the IC with a safety resistor. A second fire button can also be produced by connecting the D-sub connector pin to pin 4 (Button 2) on the Logitech chip. The effective way is soldering the wires of the 9-pin D-sub connector into the pins required by the joystick and the other ends straight to the pins of the Logitech chip.

The board and the connector were installed in a small plastic box to make the adapter ready. It can be made smaller if the IC and other parts were unsoldered and placed on veroboard.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Walls have Ears

Remember how I wrote an article about me creating a spy microphone, well, on this article we will be discussing about Spy Ears. The DIY spy microphone was cool, but the setup will be cooler and awesome if we add this spy ears. Imagine you can hear anything from a long distance. You can hear conversations from another room or beyond the wall.

While binoculars improve vision, this personal sound enhancer circuit improves listening. This gadget will have a light weight; it will produce an adjustable gain on sounds that is picked up from a built-in high-sensitivity microphone.

Here’s the circuit diagram for the original article:

As shown in diagram above, a small signal amplifier is built around transistor BC547 (T1).

Transistor T1 and the related components amplify the sound signals picked up by the condenser microphone (MIC). The amplified signal from the preamplifier stage is fed to input pin 3 of IC LM386N (IC1) through capacitor C2 (100nF) and volume control VR1 (10-kilo-ohm log). A decoupling network comprising resistor R5 and capacitor C3 provides the preamplifier block with a clean supply voltage. Audio amplifier IC LM386N (IC1) is designed for operation with power supplies in the 4-15V DC range.

It is housed in a standard 8-pin DIL package, consumes very small quiescent current and is ideal for bat tery-powered portable applications. The processed output signal from capacitor C2 goes to one end of volume control VR1. The wiper is taken to pin 3 of LM386N audio output amplifier. Note that the R6-C4 network is used to RF-decouple positive-supply pin 6 and R8-C7 is an optional Zobel network that ensures high frequency stability when feeding an inductive headphone load.

Capacitor C6 (22µF, 16V) wired between pin 7 and ground gives additional ripple rejection. The output of LM386N power amplifier can safely drive a standard 32-ohm monophonic headphone/earphone. Assemble the circuit on a small general-purpose PCB and house in a suitable metallic enclosure with an integrated battery holder and headphone/earphone socket. Fit the on/off switch (S1), volume control (VR1) and power indicator (LED1) on the enclosure. Finally, fit the condenser microphone (MIC) on the front side of the enclosure and link it to the input of the preamplifier via a short length of the shielded wire.

Good thing I found this Spy Ear guide, it’s really a cool project to build for your spy role.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

On to a Foggy Season

December is coming, and we all know what this means, it will be the season with longer nights and shorter days. What I really like if this season is the long dark hours, Christmas lights will light the starry nights. Thought I like this season very much, there’s one thing that I hate on this time of the year, Christmas in here in our place has always been rainy, and have I mention yet that I’m on a tropical country?

Rainy season here in my country starts in June, all the way to January or February. One common thing happens on rainy days is the foggy surroundings. Have you watched horror movies where there are some foggy scenes that the character encounters? Yes, we always experience foggy dusk and nights.

The problem with fog is when you’re on the road. It’s really a pain in the a*s if you’re out of fog lights. Fog lights are very helpful when the road has zero visibility. My mustang does not have a fog light yet, so I am planning to put one on. Searching on the internet, I found this one amazingguide, from Harrie Dogge of Elektor Electronics on fog lamp sensor circuit.

I will also put on some rear fog lamp, though it’s not mandatory, it will improve visibility under foggy conditions, it will help those who are following the car see what’s ahead of them. This fog lamp sensor circuit will be built on a mechanical switch that is built into a 13-way female connector in order to switch of the fog lamp. This circuit was also design to anyone who uses a 7-way connector, this switching can also be implemented electronically with the aid on the circuit illustrated below, taken from the original guide article.

So take that extra precaution for your safety on the road. Be a defensive driver. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

An Entry Level Server that’s good for Space Saving

So I was hired by a small company to setup their servers. I was so keen on doing this job since I have a friend working for this small company. I consulted them to know what are their server specifications and needs. Since they are just a small and a starting company, their budget is limited, not to mention they have a small office space.

With these settings, I compared entry level servers from IBM, HP, Lenovo and Fujitsu. Comparing the servers from these brands, I found out that the most viable unit would be the M10-1 server from Fujitsu. It is a space saving entry level server, perfect for my friend’s company’s requirements! It can perfectly suit to the office’s space and at the same time, it suits for their budget since the server come at an affordable price.

The M10-1 server supports as many as 16 cores, large-capacity memory modules, and a large-capacity disk in a space-saving one rack unit (1U) chassis, its product specifications says.

Here are the Main features of the server:

  • 16-core SPARC64 X / SPARC64 X+ processor and 512 GB of main memory
  • 1 RU form factor
  • Mainframe-class reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) capabilities
  • Core-based CPU activation
  • Software-on-Chip instructions implemented directly on SPARC64 X / SPARC64 X+ processors
  • Built-in no-cost virtualization: Oracle VM Server for SPARC and Oracle Solaris Zones technologies
  • Supports Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Solaris 10, also Solaris 9 and 8 with Oracle Solaris Legacy Containers
  • Oracle Solaris 100% Binary Compatibility Guarantee

So my conclusion, this will be the perfect server setup for small companies.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Playing with My Son, Him Being the Policeman and Me Being the Bad Guy

Policemen are awesome right? I’m talking about good policemen and not the bad ones here. My father was a retired Policeman. He is my childhood hero, one of the best. In my childhood years, I’ve seen a lot of movies where the main protagonists are policemen, or in the military.

Today, my son and I plays a lot of role-playing game. Recently, we played the role of bad guy-policeman. He was the Policemen, and of course, I was the bad guy. We had so much fun playing the game. He always catches me. :)

So to make the game more awesome and exciting, I am planning to build this small toy for our plays. As we all know, police have the police vehicle which are equipped with loud sirens. I wanted to create a police car lights for his toy car, like the one on the image below.

The police car lights projects will be designed using a 555 timer. This circuit will simulate the police car lights by alternate flashing.

Here’s the project description take from the original posthere:


This circuit simulates the police car lights by alternate flashing. This circuit flashes red LEDs for three times and blue LED’s for three times. This flashing action performs continuously.
This circuit uses 555 timer and a decade counter. Here, 555 timer runs in astable mode. Decade counter 4017 counts the incoming pulses that is for first pulse Q0 becomes high and for second pulse Q1 becomes high and so on again for 10th pulse Q0 state becomes high.

Police Lights Circuit using 555 Timer:

Circuit Components:

  • NE555 timer
  • 4017 decade counter
  • 1n4148 diodes – 6
  • 1 k Resistor(1/4 watt) – 1
  • 22 k Resistor(1/4 watt) – 1
  • 470 ohm Resistor(1/4 watt) – 8
  • 2.2 uF Electrolytic capacitor(16V) – 1
  • Blue LED’s – 2
  • Red LED’s – 2
  • 9 V battery – 1
  • Connecting wires
  • 555 Timer Based Police Lights Circuit Design

555 Timer. Here 555 Timer runs in free running mode. It produces pulses whose width can be varied. 2nd and 6th pins are shorted to allow triggering after every cycle. 4th pin is connected to Vcc to avoid sudden resets.

4017 Decade Counter. It is a 10-bit counter with ten decoded outputs. It counts the incoming pulses. The supply voltage range is -0.5 to +22 V. The high pulse on the reset pin clears the count to zero. The speed of operation of this IC is up to 10 MHz. The output states (Q0, Q2, Q4) are ORed to flash the blue LED’s 3 times and the states Q5, Q7 and Q9 are ORed to flash the red LED’s 3 times.

Based on the output of 4017 IC, two transistors (NPN) switches the LED’s ON and OFF. Resistors R3, R4, R5, R6 are used to protect the LED’s from high voltage.

After connecting the whole circuit, apply power to it. Now observe the LEDs carefully. You will find that red led’s flashes 3 times and blue led’s flashes 3 times and this process repeats.

I wanted to build this miniRobot for my Son

Robots sure are awesome, why not, it a part of every childhood. The first robot movie I saw was the movie RoboCop (1987) in 1995; I guess you can guess my age now. It got a reboot in 2014 and the effects now are awesome, but nothing beats the original, but I must admit, the new RoboCop is cool too.

I have this amazing idea of building a robot for my son. I found this miniRobot project by Yuri Tikhonov.  The miniRobot will consist of the following hardware:

  • 4WD robot chassis with two DC motors.
  • Dual DC Motor Driver (H-bridge type).
  • The heart of the system: Arduino Yun.
  • Echo sensor: HC-SR04.
  • Power supply: 2S LiPo battery.
  • Some little things.

This is actually taken from the original article.


The miniRobot will use an Arduino Yun, a dual processor module; we will need two independent software modules: MCU firmware and Linux software.

The first part – MCU firmware responsible for the connection between low level hardware and the core of the system (Linino Linux PC). Low level hardware consits of:

  • DC Motor Drivers;
  • echo Sensor;
  • voltmeter.

The second part – Actually I have a lot of control software, all of them written in my favorite programming language: python (files *.py)

Hopefully, I’ll be able to create this miniRobot in time for Christmas; I will add some custom modifications along the way.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Restoring a Vintage Car

Imagine you have a vintage car in your garage that’s been sitting there for like ages. You want to rekindle the moments you spend with that car. Your first drive, your first date on the road and all of the happy memories that you have with that car, you wanted to preserved them. I kind of like having that feeling now. I wanted to restore my beloved car and bring it back to its former glory.

With that plan in mind, I was researching on how pimp that old ride of mine. I know there’s a lot of work to do considering that picture above. It will need a repaint of course, I was thinking of the color blue, or green, that would be awesome! The engine is rusty, but fortunately, it is still in a good condition, needs a lot of job in there though.

For the interior, I will be having leather set cover of course. On the driver set, I will put on some automotive LED lighting. The ones they have in the movies, those are very cool, and it makes your interior have a good ambience.

I will put on a FM/AM radio and a CD player of course, listening to music while driving is fun especially when you’re with the family along the country side.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Do You Really Know What LIN is?

LIN stands for Local Interconnect Network.  Yes, from those words, we can say that it's a local network. But do we really know how it works? A LIN consists of LIN Master and a LIN Slave. Data is exchanged and encapsulated in data frames with a fixed structure. These data frames always contain a break field that indicates a new incoming frame.

Here’s a video that explain what LIN is:

Here are the advantages of using LIN
  • Easy to Use
  • Components available
  • Cheaper than CAN and other communications buses
  • Harness reduction
  • More reliable vehicles
  • Extension easy to implement
  • No protocol license fee required

Although LIN is now a full replacement to the CAN bus, it will always be a good alternative whenever low costs are essential while speed/bandwidth is not important.

  • Below are the applications where LIN can be used:
  • Roof – Sensor, light sensor, light control, sun roof
  • Steering Wheel – Cruise control, wiper, turning light, climate control, radio
  • Seat – Seat position motors, occupant sensors, control panel
  • Engine – Sensors, small motors
  • Grille – Grille shutter
  • Climate – Small motors, control panel
  • Door – Mirror, central ECU, mirror switch, window lift, seat control switch, door lock

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wireless Sensing Network for My Next Project

In this project, we will be creating an incredible Wireless Sensing Network. This project uses the TH71221 RF, which we will use in the RF transceivers. The source of this project also discusses how the TH71221 RF is being used with other external components in building the WSN node like that of the microcontroller and sensors.

So what’s a Wireless Sensing Network? It is a network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous modules (called nodes) using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure and humidity. It’s a good compliment to the previous project we have about InfraRed thermometer. The devices we will be using will communicate wirelessly to a main sensor node which collects back all the measurements and sent it to a main station, like a computer, for further processing.

This is where the device can be applicable:

Wireless sensing networks for temperature, humidity, light and RF field strength
Home and building automation

Even around with several components, the TH71221 RF transceiver used in this project can be used in a low cost wireless sensing network applications. While Melex TH71221 is used to transmit as well as receive information over a wide frequency range of 300 to 390 MHz, the external microcontroller handles the network protocol of this communication.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Tired of Using Conventional Thermometer? How about Using the InfraRed Thermometer?

Yes, conventional thermometer is a pain in the arse. In the age of innovation, contact measurement is the thing of the past. Machines and gadgets of today uses high technology in measuring heat, pressure, distance, speed, etc. They use lasers or infrared to the non-contact measurements. We all notice this on the streets, where cops uses speed measuring device that uses infrared.

So what could be a good project that to created a device that can measure temperature that has that capability for a non-contact measurement? I found this article featuring this new sensor that uses infrared to gather data. The sensor is called MLX90614 produce by the company Melexis Microelectronic Integrated Systems.

Digital, plug and play, the MLX90614 is an infrared thermometer that’s small in size and has a low cost. With high accuracy features and medical accuracy benefits, the component is easy to migrate. Whilst it is factory calibrated, it also offers different package options for different applications.

Low noise amplifier, 17-bit ADC and a powerful DSP unit are integrated into the MLX90614 to achieve high accuracy and resolution of the thermometer. A digital SMBus output is included to the component giving full access to the measured temperature in the complete temperature range with a resolution of 0.02°C. Comes with both IR sensitive thermophile detector chip and the signal condition in ASIC integrated in the same TO-39 can, the MLX90614 allows the user to configure the digital output to be PWM. With an output of 0.14°C, the 10-bit PWM is configured to continuously transmit the measured temperature in range of -20 to 120°C as its standard.

So now we have a high-tech thermometer in our hands.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Solution to Your Empty Batteries

Empty battery, we all experience it. It’s really annoying to see an empty battery. Much of the devices applications nowadays eat up too much of our battery juice. Although devices have chargers, what I really don’t like about it is that some chargers cannot be used on cars. When you’re on a long journey and use your gadgets to entertain yourself, battery life is a nightmare.

So I wanted to create a universal battery charger that’ low cost, yes you heard it folks, at a very affordable cost. This universal charger is for NiCD – NiMH batteries. This circuit is ideal for car use (just what I needed for). The cool thing about this is it has the ability to transform mains adapter into a charger.  The circuit has an LED to indicate charging. This project can be built on a general PCB or a veroboard.

The full specification of this project is located here.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

DIY Uninterruptible Power Supply to the Rescue!

Much of the country’s power source rely on hydro power plants, and does rely on water. These last two months, we’ve experience rotating brownout and it’s kinda messing up everything. Long hours of not having electricity are torture to everyone. It also messes with my work, and gets lots of backlogs. What I really don’t like about brownouts is that it comes like thief, which ruins everything when you’re doing something on your computer (reports, excel files, powerpoint presentations, etc.) and forgot to save it.

I don’t want to experience those nightmares anymore so I searched for an affordable UPS in the market. But buying the device is too mainstream, so why not create my own? I searched the big G for tutorials on how to make your own UPS and found this one.

As you can see on the circuit drawn on this project, the diagram shows how the batteries take control during a outage in electrical power supply.  The input to the primary to the primary winding of the transformer is 240V as stated. If the value is at least 12 Volts running, the secondary winding can be raised for up to 12 Volts.

The circuit in this project was designed to offer more flexible pattern where we can use different regulators and batteries to produce regulated and unregulated voltage if we want it to be customized.

So now I will have no worries if an outage will come. Now that is awesome!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for a Low Cost Frequency Counter Circuit?

So I was looking for a device that can measure the rpm of my car. There are some that I found on electronics hardware, but they’re quite expensive! So I did some research and lots of googling to find some ways and alternatives so I can have a device for my beloved mini copper.

What I wanted for my frequency counter is that, I wanted the device to be able to observe and oscillator’s accuracy, it can measure the mains frequency and can find out the rpm of a motor that is connected to an encoder. It’s typically and all-around frequency counters.

I did a lot of research and found this interesting tut about how to build your own frequency counter circuit. What I love about this DIY frequency counter is that the cost will be low.

The project we will be making is just a basic, low cost frequency counter circuit. The device can measure 16Hz to 100Hz signals with maximum amplitude of 15V.  The device’s sensitivity is high, with resolution of 0.01Hz as stated by the tutorial. The input signal can be a sine, a square or a triangle waveform.

I've also found this document by Wolfgang "Wolf" Büscher, Frequency counter with a PIC and minimum hardware, it's also a good alternative, but on a much higher price for the parts.

So now let’s get started and make our hands dirty.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Wired Communication is not dead, yet.

Yes, that’s right, wired communication is not dead, not today. We all know that wireless is the future of communication and it grows very fast. But we can deny the fact that long distance funicular communication is still popular.

On this project, we will be converting RS232 and RS485 with an Automatic RS – TX control. One of the most used, easy to develop and easy to apply communication protocol, the RS232 is generally the standard at the MCU applications. But the restriction, it only allows us to use maximum 15 meters cable. The main problem with using RS232 is that when the distance increase, the noise at the common ground line also increases. Another issue on using RS232 is that we are only allowed to only two devices to communicate reciprocally.

With the above problem mentioned while using RS232, RS485 is here to the rescue. What the RS484 separates from RS232 is that it can transfer data depending on the potential difference the two communication wires. On RS484, we can transfer data up to 1220 meters far away and with a rate up to 10Mbps and we can have 32 devices that can be joined.

The main advantage of this converter is, it can detect the incoming/outgoing data and switch the TX and RX modes of MAX485. It controls the DE and RE enable bits automatically. The RS485 lines A and B are taken from the screw terminal block. The connections are shown in the layout that is inside the downloadable zip package.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Be a Spy with This Cool DIY Spy Microphone

Have you ever thought of picturing yourself being a spy? Doing covert operations and spying on people? Nah, I think you've only seen them on movies, yes on movies, but how about giving it a try, though not professionally.

So I’ve decided to give it a try. One cool thing that most spies used is a spy microphone. I found this cool spy microphone that uses laser. How cool is that, a spy microphone and a laser is too awesome right?

Though I found about this tutorial as not the most practical recording setup we can every used, but it still in an interesting bit of science and a great DIY Project.

What’s so cool about this thing is that it will allow you to listen inside of buildings hundreds of feet away from you (yes, I know what you’re thinking, lasers are awesome). The process of creating the device involves a simple bit of soldering and all we will need is a laser pointer, tripod and old pair of headphones, photocell and a recording device.

Here’s a simple diagram of the device. Sorry, just grabbed it from the source.

The output forms a complex signal when an electric current passes through the said diaphragm, which can then be interpreted by a recording device as sound. It can record sound though windows with a laser pointer and cheap parts you can find at any electronics store.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cell Phone Jammer for Your Conference Room or Office Meeting Place

It’s really annoying at times when you’re in the middle of a business meeting then suddenly your cell phone rang at full volume because you forgot to put it on a silence mode. It’s really an awkward moment when someone is in the middle of giving a report and the phone rang and stopped the speaker from talking.

So I found this easy DYI cell phone jammer that we can put in the conference room or meeting place. It uses the 555 timer [8 pin] IC coupled via C4 [electrolytic] to modulate the MRF transistor oscillator.

Alternatively, we can replace the 555 chip with an electrets microphone. It will also be good to build the unit into a metal box, add an on/off switch (useful when the conference room is not in use for meetings but on other purpose) in the batteries + line, and also put a LED in there. Then connect an old 800 MHz cell phone antenna to C5.

This device’s “Cell Kill Distance” is around 10 – 15 feet, ample for most purposes, so it’s really a good room type cell phone jammer.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Let’s Build a Simple JDM programmer

So my latest project involves the use of PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 family microcontrollers, but was not really sure how to use them without a new MCU. So I was looking for solutions on the internet on how to do that and found this tutorial of DIY JDM Programmer.

I also found this PIC and EEPROM Programmer that will let us burn the program into the microcontroller chip through small software known as winpic800.

The first DIY JDM programmer tutorial uses a RS232 DB9 port to program the code into the microcontroller. I will be a bad idea to use a laptop if you’re using a DB9 port since most laptop nowadays don’t have the port, instead the tutorial recommends to use a desktop computer which comes with an inbuilt DB9 serial port.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pulse Width Modulation DC Motor Controller, How to Control It?

I was planning to create a PWD DC motor control using a variable resistor or variable resistor connected to a transistor. The problem with this setup is that it generates heat and hence wastes power.  So I research for some good PWD modulation DC motor control to eliminate these problems. The PWM controls the motor speed by driving the motor with short pulses. The pulses created vary in duration to change the speed of the motor. The longer the pulses, the faster the motor turns, and vice versa.

I also found this PWM DC Motor Controller the uses MOSFETs, also if uses an IR2110 H-Bridge Driver. The H Bridge configuration is commonly used in electrical applications where the load needs to be driven in either direction.

I will try to find if this two projects can be customize or the specifications can be joined together to create a better PWM DC Motor Controller. I will post updates about my progress here.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

So I was Going Build This Awesome Audio Amplifier

For the longest time, I’ve been planning to build an Audio Amplifier for my room. I love listening to music, everybody does right? So I’ve done some research on what’s the best amplifier for my room. Then I found this high power audio amplifier that gives a 300 watts output. But man, this kind of output is huge so instead of using this for my room, I’ve decided to use it the whole house audio system. My family loves karaoke and loves to watch movie together, so this is perfect for that.

This 300 watts audio amplifier has a good circuit design in my opinion. According to the tutorial, the circuit has been designed to produce an audio amplifier that can be used for low efficiency speakers or outdoor sound systems since it can deliver 300W of power, so you can use cheap speakers and still create some good quality sounds.

We’ve seen this 300 W power amplifiers and are widely used in commercial installations, video conferences systems, houses of worship (so we can frequently see one of these on churches), hotels or motels, for driving small & medium-sized live PA systems, for bars, clubs, & restaurants, for live sound venues, and for industrial & retail stores. They are mostly preferred since they deliver reliable power, low distortion, and clean output in any occasion and in any time of events.

Friday, May 16, 2014

How to look for your misplaced Cell Phone

Misplacing your cell phone can sometimes be annoying. This is a common problem among people who are busy and people who suffers short term memory loss.

I’m a quite a busy person and sometimes forget where I have place my cell phone whether at the house or at the office. So I look for solutions to the problem. The solution, a cell phone detector! How cool is that!

I found out this interesting cell phone detector project here. What’s cool about the project is that a circuit was design to detect signals being used in the GMS.

First was to create the PCB found on the pdf provided. The detector uses LM358 that amplifies the received signal from the cell phone.  It contains two separate op-amps that are supplied by a common power source. R3 and R7 resistors determine the gain of the amplifiers. When the resistor values are greater than 10M then the noise level increases. If they are small like about 100k, this time it becomes harder to hear the signal.

So there you go, a nice cell phone detector if your too annoyed looking for your misplaced cell phone.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Utilising IEC Power Boards and IEC Power Cords For Electrotechnology in Computer Networks

IEC is the shortened form for International Electrotechnical Commission which alludes to a set of universal principles that have been produced by worldwide IEC parts for the Electrotechnology zone all in all. Electrotechnology territory incorporates various electrical innovations, for example, workstations, force sheets, office supplies, home apparatuses, force lines, medicinal gear, telecommunications and even nanotechnology, and also, a lot of people more.

IEC works as a non-benefit universal association to make and distribute guidelines to guarantee Electrotechnology stakeholders, produce segments, frameworks and gear to set principles for ensured arrangement. Besides, every Electrotechnology territory will have a particular IEC alphanumeric standard doled out. For example, the principle power association utilized on the back board of workstations will be made as stated by IEC 60320 benchmarks.

The IEC 60320 principles blankets the connectors known as bays and couplers, found on desktop workstations, force board, force strips, rack-mounted appropriation power supply, power lines and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) gadgets that we'll be talking about here.

Producers like building their items as stated by IEC principles since it empowers the same item is assembled to a more extensive client base i.e. that means just an alternate force line is needed for the item for the fluctuating client base areas. Consequently, items could be fabricated the same lessening assembling expenses and moving logistic concerns when shipping items universally.

IEC connectors are a need inside data engineering and interchanges (ICT) systems when arranging a system foundation to guarantee interconnection is rightly accomplished between gear. Good IEC force strings must be actualized into the system setup. ICT staff must be mindful of distinguishing the unobtrusive contrasts between the couplers and bays on links. Case in point, the IEC 60320-1 Appliance Couplers measures for IEC C13 coupler are really the female connector on an IEC force string, and are utilized to join with the IEC C14 delta male association formed into the back board of a desktop workstation. The formed C14 channel male connector just matches a force string with a C13 coupler to safely interface. In addition, contingent upon your nation area, the force rope for the desktop will have a suitable fitting to fit the nearby mains power outlet toward one side while the flip side will have the IEC C13 coupler to connect to the PC. Note: IEC 60320-2-2 Interconnection Couplers models sheets orientations are really inverse IEC 60320-1 Appliance Couplers guidelines.

Norms indicate IEC C13 and C14 connectors are evaluated with the accompanying determinations eg. Focus pin greatest temperature is 70 degrees Celsius, 10 Amps most extreme present and 250 volts most extreme voltage. However the C19/c20 greatest current rating is 16 amps and focus pin most extreme temperature is 70 degrees Celsius. What's more, both the C13/c14 and C19/c20 connectors are constructed with an earth pin.

The IEC 60320 couplers and bays are accessible in various shapes for diverse electrical machines, for example, for an UPS. A little UPS may have a C14 male channel; however bigger UPS gadgets will frequently accompany an IEC C20 delta male connector for higher current rating. The C20 male delta is interconnected with a C19 coupler female connector. Both the C19 and C20 connectors are distinctive molded to keep away from perplexity with different couplers specified prior.

IEC force sheets are frequently interconnected with desktop workstations when you need the fringe gadgets to be fueled all over close by the workstation. Typically this setup permits assistant force from the machine supply to naturally power here and there the peripherals. The clear profits when interfacing the machine and UPS is you give fall flat wellbeing for the gadgets. Preferably you ought to introduce an IEC force board with IEC force links when joining an UPS and PC.

IEC force sheets are sold in diverse design and synthesis designs, for example, with general 10 Amps outlets, 15 amps, C14 gulfs and C20 deltas. Indeed a couple of affiliates can offer custom force board arrangement designs i.e. to suit situations when ICT staff obliges a particular measure of outlets for cramped setup situations.

The IEC association works with other universal measures associations to create norms you may have seen some time recently, for instance, Iso/iec 38500:2008 Corporate legislation of data innovation is a distinguished standard for the ICT part.

All in all the profits to producers and ICT parts will guarantee items made to IEC principles will be accessible uncertainly. General new item costs will be down, and in addition ICT staff can deal with their Electrotechnology much less demanding with IEC force strings and force sheets since Pcs associated with an UPS guarantee gear is secured. Besides ICT staff and workstation clients can at exactly that point interface committed IEC items with good couplers and deltas.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How Satellite Internet Works - From Outer Space to Your Living Room

The point when new innovations go onto the business, it might be troublesome to comprehend shouldn't something be said about them precisely is historic. For anybody outside of the tech division, where understanding these things isn't second nature yet some piece of the set of expectations, everything that should be "new" can look shockingly like things that have been around for a little while. Keeping in mind here and there, it is organizations attempting to dupe more naïve customers, 50% of the time it is one's own particular obliviousness of engineering that makes new improvements look threatening.

One of the most recent methods for getting online has been befuddling a few clients, who don't exactly see how uniting with the web works in any case. Notwithstanding that there is satellite broadband to contend with physical broadband, numerous buyers are beginning to address which is the best decision for them. All things considered, assuming that it takes less cash and offers more adaptability, doing the switch is certainly a great thought. Be that as it may excessively of the time, it appears a mite overwhelming or confounding.

To comprehend satellite web, its best to begin with your family room. That is the place your PC and a modem will be found. The modem will look much like modems you've recently managed, and will join with a dish outside, either on your top or in your yard. Much in the same way that those with satellite TV unite with their dish and have a link confine the parlor, that is the way you will interface with your dish.

At that point that dish in the yard handles the undertaking of corresponding with satellites that are circling the earth. When you make an appeal for information on the PC, whether its stacking a site or sending an email, the sign is then conveyed to your dish, which shafts it into space with ensured correspondence signs. Those indicators are grabbed by satellites that are possessed by the satellite broadband organization, and the data is then exchanged and sent back. The greater part of this happens in a matter of seconds, with the data arriving at your dish again and after that your modem quick enough that you won't even recognize.

On the other hand rather, you won't recognize when the data is little enough. Since there is a great deal of information being broken down into more diminutive pieces and after that reassembled, this methodology works better for specific things, and can in some cases slack for others. The individuals who are intrigued by sending messages, surfing sites, and imparting through content will discover truly no slack time. Other people who are streaming feature and music will discover slack time infrequently, at the same fundamental level of utilizing general broadband, and still much speedier than the choice of dial-up. It is more with the feature talking that individuals will discover a noteworthy slack time, because of the way that data need to travel a huge separation.

Be that as it may, for most clients who are searching for another method for getting on the web, these little contrasts won't matter. What will is the way that satellite web is another and extremely feasible elective to the standard methods for getting web, implying that, once the innovation bodes well, it is an exceptionally suitable stage for those intrigued by exchanging.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology is a sort of the remote technology that disposes of the necessity for the amount of awkward links and mechanisms that are utilized to unite the workstations, versatile telephones, computerized Polaroids, handheld apparatuses and new advanced machines. Bluetooth empowers the clients to join with a wide assortment of telecommunication and processing units effectively, without links.

It makes fast impromptu associations, programmed oblivious associations between two or more advanced mechanisms. Bluetooth gives the chance of utilizing the portable information within distinctive requisitions. Bluetooth makes remote correspondence between the two apparatuses in a limited region of a room of office or home effortlessly. Bluetooth technology utilization radio-based connections and all the associations between the units and concealed and immediate.

By Bluetooth technology your smart phone can send print solicitation to a printer in your next room. Bluetooth is really a standard for remote correspondence between the mechanisms in a generally little region and it is accordingly works fine in the individual zone system (skillet) utilizing radio recurrence.

Any two mechanisms that take after the Bluetooth standard can correspond with one another. Various the Bluetooth mechanisms like advanced Polaroid, cellular telephone and handheld pc can structure a system. You can send messages to your portable telephones from your smart phone without any physical join between your smart phone and your versatile telephones.

Characteristics of Bluetooth technology 

  • bluetooth technology utilization radio waves for correspondence in 2.4 Ghz 
  • it helps multi point correspondence not only indicate point. 
  • bluetooth works in a little territory of 10-15 meters. 
  • bluetooth offers pace of 1-2 mbps. 
  • bluetooth chipsets are less unreasonable however more costly than Irda. 

How Bluetooth technology functions 

Bluetooth is a fast remote connection technology that uses the radio waves. It is intended to associate the versatile telephones, laptops, hand held units and movable gears with just about no work by the end clients. Not at all like infrared Bluetooth does not oblige observable pathway between the associating units. Bluetooth technology is an adjusted type of the current remote LAN technology and its more worthy for its relative little size and minimal effort.

The current circuits are held on a circuit leading body of 0.9 cm square and a much more modest single chip variant is being developed and soon it will be being used. The expense of the Bluetooth mechanism is required to fall quickly. Bluetooth chip must be outfitted in numerous gadgets. In Bluetooth technology, little and modest transceivers have been put in the advanced apparatuses. The radio waves work at 2.45 GHZ band on the Bluetooth apparatuses. Bluetooth helps the information accelerate to 721 Kbps and 3 voice channels. The Bluetooth chip can either be incorporated with the mechanisms or it might be uses as a connector. In PC it might be utilized with the USB port. Every Bluetooth unit has a 48 touch address from the IEEE 802 benchmarks and the Bluetooth associations might be either indicate point or multi point. Bluetooth reach is 10 meter yet it might be stretched out up to 100 meters by expanding the force.

Bluetooth units are ensured from the outside obstruction in light of the fact that they switch their recurrence up to 1600 times in a second. Bluetooth radio technology gives the scaffold between the existing information system. Bluetooth ensures security at the spot level and the confirmation is regulated by the end client by utilizing 128 digit key. A paramount face of the Bluetooth technology is that it immediately structures a system when two or more apparatuses come closer in the extent of one another.

Bluetooth technology profits 

Bluetooth technology is an advantageous decision of correspondence in a wire free, short nature. Bluetooth is a comprehensively accessible standard for associating the mechanisms like portable telephones, advanced Polaroids, laptops, mp3 players, autos, stereo headsets and so on. Bluetooth empower apparatuses don't have to introduce any drivers. The key profits of the Bluetooth remote technology are its implicit security, ease, simple of utilization, vigor, and impromptu systems administration competencies.

The Bluetooth remote technology is accessible all inclusive. Numerous produces from the diverse organizations are occupied to execute the technology in their items. Bluetooth technology works in the 2.4 GHZ, one of the unlicensed, modern and experimental radio groups. Bluetooth technology is a for nothing out of pocket administration yet your portable telephones set ought to backing the GSM and CDMA technology.

Today versatile telephones have inherent competencies and Bluetooth functionalities in them. Bluetooth technology is accessible in the distinctive extent of the apparatuses like portable telephones, cars, restorative units, businesses and ventures and so on. Because of the key characteristics of the Bluetooth technology like low power utilization, ease and remote characteristics make it more prominent. Bluetooth technology does not oblige any altered framework and it is extremely easy to introduce and setup.

No wires are obliged to join the Bluetooth mechanisms. You can unite with other Bluetooth empowered gadgets whenever in the event that they come in your extent. Bluetooth remote technology is broadly underpinned and is secure remote standard today. Bluetooth gadgets has inherent security characteristics, for example, 128 digit encryption and pin code validation when Bluetooth units recognize themselves they utilize the pin code when they first time join.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What's In The Future For Electronics Recycling?

Electronics reusing in the U.s. is developing as the industry unites and develops. What's to come for electronics reusing - at any rate in the U.s., and maybe internationally - will be determined by electronics engineering, valuable metals, and industry structure, specifically. Despite the fact that there are different things that can impact the industry -, for example, shopper electronics accumulations, enactment and regulations and fare issues - I accept that these 3 variables will have a more significant effect on what's to come for electronics reusing.

The latest information on the industry - from an overview led by the International Data Corporation (IDC) and supported by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) - found that the industry (in 2010) took care of roughly 3.5 million tons of electronics with incomes of $5 billion and straightforwardly utilized 30,000 individuals - and that it has been developing at something like 20% every twelve-months for as long as decade. Anyhow will this development proceed?

Electronics Technology

PC gear has ruled volumes took care of by the electronics reusing industry. The IDC study reported that over 60% by weight of industry data volumes was "workstation supplies" (counting Pcs and screens). Yet late reports by IDC and Gartner demonstrate that shipments of desktop and smart phones declined by more than 10% and that the shipments of cell phones and tablets now each one surpass that of Pcs. Something like 1 billion advanced cells will be dispatched in 2013 - and despite any precedent to the contrary surpass the volumes of traditional Pdas. Furthermore shipments of ultra-light laptops and smart phone tablet mixtures are expanding quickly. Along these lines, we are entering the "Post-PC Era".

Also, CRT Tvs and screens have been a critical parcel of the information volumes (by weight) in the reusing stream - up to 75% of the "buyer electronics" stream. Furthermore the death of the CRT implies that fewer CRT Tvs and screens will be entering the reusing stream - swapped by smaller/lighter level screens.

Thus, what do these engineering patterns intend to the electronics reusing industry? Do these developments in engineering, which prompt size lessening, bring about a "more modest materials foot shaped impression" and less aggregate volume (by weight)? Since versatile gadgets (e.g., advanced mobile phones, tablets) as of recently speak to bigger volumes than Pcs - and presumably turn over speedier - they will most likely command what's to come volumes entering the reusing stream. What's more they are much littler, as well as normally cost less than Pcs. Also, conventional laptops are, no doubt reinstated by ultra-books and tablets - which implies that the portable computer equal is a considerable measure more modest and weighs less.

Along these lines, even with persistently expanding amounts of electronics, the weight volume entering the reusing stream may start diminishing. Ordinary desktop PC processors weigh 15-20 lbs. Universal smart phones 5-7 lbs. Anyway the new "ultra-books" weigh 3-4 lbs. In this way, if "Pcs" (counting screens) have embodied about 60% of the aggregate business data volume by weight and Tvs have involved a huge bit of the volume of "buyer electronics" (something like 15% of the industry information volume) - then up to 75% of the info volume may be liable to the weight decrease of new advances - maybe to the extent that a half diminishment. Furthermore, comparable innovation change and size diminishment is happening in different markets - e.g., telecommunications, streamlined, medicinal, and so forth.

Notwithstanding, the characteristic quality of these apparatuses may be higher than Pcs and Crts (for resale and additionally scrap - for every unit weight). In this way, industry weight volumes may diminish, however incomes could keep on increaing (with resale, materials recuperation esteem and administrations). What's more, since portable gadgets are relied upon to turn over more quickly than Pcs (which have regularly turned over in 3-5 years), these progressions in the electronics reusing stream may happen inside 5 years or less.

An alternate variable for the industry to think about, as of late reported by E-Scrap News - "The generally speaking compactness drift in registering gadgets, including universal structure components, is described by coordinated batteries, segments and non-repairable parts. With repair and restoration progressively troublesome for these sorts of mechanisms, e-scrap processors will confront critical tests in deciding the most ideal approach to deal with these units capably, as they continuously make an expanding impart out of the end-of-life administration stream." So, does that imply that the resale potential for these more modest apparatuses may be less?

The electronics reusing industry has generally concentrated on Pcs and purchaser electronics, yet shouldn't we think about base supplies? -, for example, servers/data centers/cloud processing, telecom frameworks, link system frameworks, satellite/navigation frameworks, defense/military frameworks. These segments by and large utilize bigger, higher esteem supplies and have noteworthy (and developing?) volumes. They are not for the most part obvious or considered when acknowledging the electronics reusing industry, yet may be an undeniably critical and bigger allotment of the volumes that it handles. Furthermore some, if very little, of this foundation is because of progress in innovation - which will bring about a vast volume turnover of gear. reports that "... as the industry upgrades and supplants... servers, stockpiling and systems administration rigging to oblige huge union and virtualization ventures and get ready for the period of distributed computing... the construct of distributed computing, the stock of physical IT stakes will move from the buyer to the server farm... While the amount of buyer units is expanding, they are likewise getting littler in size. In the interim, server farms are continuously overhauled and extended, conceivably making a lot of future e-waste."

However, outside the U.s. - and in creating nations specifically - the info volume weight to the electronics reusing stream will build altogether - as the use of electronic apparatuses spreads to a more extensive business sector and an infr

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Robots are Not Just for the Movies Anymore

Growing up I generally considered robots the manifestations of insidiousness miscreants, all never going to budge on the demolition of the world. Where might I get such a thought? That huge, abstruse metal thing in The Day the Earth Stood Still kept me up and about nights. Dr. Smith's senseless robot on Lost in Space needed to be great regardless of his originator's insidiousness plans. In the 1921 play R.u.r. (short for Rosum's Universal Robots) by Karl Capek, humanoid robots - once more, malice - assume control over the world. By chance, writer Kapek authored the expression "robot," which in Czech signifies "constrained work."

You'll need to return to that one.

Those were characters, the results of inventive personalities - fictional robots. Today's true to life, genuine robots are for the most part not attempting to assume control over the world, nor have they been made by Dr. Indecencies. Latest improvements in robotics have completely generous purposes. (I have taken the freedom of occupying you to destinations of particular robotic data that I discover fascinating.
Heading up, Robbie, Rosie, Klaato, R2d2 and C3po!

Genuine robots do straightforward family unit tasks. Working alone or together with people, they additionally fabricate many-sided machines like autos and workstations, and benefit technology advancement. Also you can rest less demanding realizing that new robots keep a consistent post for risk, while others wander into unsafe or hard to get to places where people can't or shouldn't hazard going. Today's robots are all expected for acts of kindness. Sparing lives, enhancing personal satisfaction, sparing time, sparing cash, battling our wars, cleaning our floors and having our espresso primed when we get up.

Despite the fact that practically the greater part of the grainy dark and-white pot boilers of the 50s depicted robots as humanoid and awful, a famous TV show from that period - and a blockbuster film that went along a couple of years after the fact - changed how we consider robots. The film was obviously Star Wars, with R2d2 and C3po heading the parade of metallic motion picture animals intended to do useful for humankind.
Despite the fact that The Jetsons was conceived in the 50s, concerning seeing what's to come for robots, The Jetsons is the no doubt champ. Since its fiction, and a cartoon, the Jetson family robots have distinctive temperament and eccentricities; however they were still there to make life less difficult - cleaning, cooking, attire mind, office work - like a dream that appears to be working out.

You may ask: What precisely is a robot? The Merriam Webster Dictionary offers three fundamental definitions:

1. a. A machine that resembles an individual and performs different complex acts, (for example, strolling or talking) of a person; additionally. a comparative however fictional machine whose absence of limit for human feelings is regularly stressed; b. a proficient uncaring individual who works immediately; (we all know no less than one)

2. A gadget that immediately performs muddled and frequently tedious errands;

3. A system guided via programmed controls.

Notwithstanding you decide to characterize a robot, you know they're staying put when regarded colleges offer robotics as a field of study.

Every year, there are more robotics outline and designing projects opening at universities, schools and even lesser universities.